To paint being nude is part of my artistic expression. For me it's a kind of pureness of nature what helps me to feel myself united with my art.
Since I started to paint boards and before, I used to do photographies by myself painting, expressing my deepest passion I have inside my body. For me it's really important that my soul and body are always connected and in harmony.
For my exhibtion "Arte Salvaje", ("Wild Art"), it was the first time that I let other persons to take pictures of me painting. It's a really private moment and I wanted people to see that process to understand better my art.
So David Botello, the photographer and owner of "Ripping Magazine" here in Barcelona, took some pictures of me painting the most important board of the exhibtion at my home. This photographies were exposed at my exhibiton "Arte Salvaje" jointly with the photographies I took with Sebas Romero and obviously with the painted Boards.
Enjoy the gallery!
To see and read more about my exhibitions click here:
If you want to see more pictures in detail of the board I painted during the shooting, click on this post:
You can also see the video of my exhibition "Arte Salvaje", (Wild Art), in which I am painting the named board:
To follow and see more of David's work, check out the website of his magazine "RIPPINGMAG":