For my exhibiton "Arte Salvaje" ("Wild Art") I did a shooting with one of Barcelona's best action and portrait photographers: "SEBAS ROMERO".
He shooted me with my finished handpainted boards at his Studio "Black&Rad". It was a really great and interesting experience.
Sebas knew perfectly how to let out my wildest part I have inside me in only one hour. He captured my personality, my art and my passion for it. We had a great connection to combine my art with his type of photography. I am really in love with the end result.
His photographies were exposed at our exhibition "Arte Salvaje" joining my painted boards. They gave to the exhibition a great mix of art, photography, sex and wildness.
Here are the end results of our work together:
To see more pictures of our crazy event exhibition "Arte Salvaje" at the BLACK&RAD SQUARE check out this gallery:
I also painted a costum board for Sebas and the boys of BLACK&RAD, just for giving them a little "thank you" for their help making the "Arte Salvaje" project reality. Have a look on the board here:
Follow Sebas on instagram to see more of his crazy punk action wild photography:
she's beautiful